Music extracts used for illustrative/review purposes include:
On The Nickel, Heartattack And Vine, Tom Waits (1980)
16 Shells From A 30.6, Swordfishtrombones, Tom Waits (1983)
Pony, Mule Variations, Tom Waits (1999)
Picture In A Frame, Mule Variations, Tom Waits (1999)
I'm Still Here, Alice, Tom Waits (2002)
Filipino Box Spring Hog, Mule Variations, Tom Waits (1999)
He's Gonna Make It, Nathaniel Metcalfe, via Vimeo (2011)
Take It With Me, Mule Variations, Tom Waits (1999)
Come On Up To The House, Mule Variations, Tom Waits (1999)
Ray Padgett's alphabetical Tom Waits substack 'Every Tom Waits Song'
Babbachichuija, Orbitones Spoon Harps & Bellowphones, Bart Hopkins / Tom Waits (1998)
Everything You Can Think, Alice, Tom Waits (2002)
Misery Is The River Of The World, Blood Money, Tom Waits (2002)
Paul Robeson episode of 'You're Dead To Me' podcast, BBC/Greg Jenner/Desiree Burch/Prof Shana L. Redmond (2021)
All The World is Green, Blood Money, Tom Waits (2002)
Allt är som förut, Mitt dumma jag - Svensk jazz, Bo Sundström (2018)
Hoist That Rag, Real Gone (original release), Tom Waits (2004)
Hoist That Rag, Real Gone (remastered), Tom Waits (2004)
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